A webhook in web development is a method of augmenting or altering the behavior of a web page or web application with custom callbacks. These callbacks may be maintained, modified, and managed by third-party users and developers who may not necessarily be affiliated with the originating website or application.
Swipe webhook will be triggered by subscribed webhook event (you can subscribe it here). Swipe also will include a hash value as a security measure. Client need to verify the hash value with their own generated hash value, Please refer to How To Generate Signature section. Swipe also have build a fallback mechanism which will resend a webhook if swipe are receive an error response from client side. The maximum number of attempt will be 3.
POST {event_url}
Parameter | Description |
trigger_at | Trigger time from Swipe |
event | Event Name |
data | Payload (might be differ by event) |
Parameter | Description |
attempt_id | ID that represent user transaction attempt |
charge_amount | Charged amount for the successful payment |
payment_id | ID that represent user payment |
payment_time | Date time when the paymend was made, in format d-m-Y h:i:s a TimeZone. Example, 02-12-2021 12:08:50 pm |
payment_amount | Payer's paid amount in positive integer |
payment_status | Payment current status |
payment_link_id | ID that represent user payment link |
payment_link_reference | Payment link reference (for client reference) |
payment_link_reference_2 | Payment link reference 2 (for client reference) |
payment_message | Message that related with user current transaction status |
payment_reference_model | Product model link to payment link |
payment_reference_id | Product id link to payment link |
payment_reference_model | Product model link to payment link |
payment_reference_id | Product id link to payment link |
payment_currency | Payment currency |
payment_method | Payment method use by payer |
payment_provider | Payment provider use by business |
The signature is generated by using HMAC hashing algorithm with SHA256 or md5 on a string consisting of (according to sequence), for this example we are using payment.created event:
"trigger_at": "13-01-2022 05:08:09 pm",
"event": "payment.created",
"data": {
"payment_link_id": "61de5d3c93b93a2e730ccc13",
"attempt_id": "95560a0f-5296-4b1b-b67b-0ad45419ef75",
"payment_id": "163841813025242143",
"payment_status": 1,
"payment_message": "Payment was successful",
"payment_time": "02-12-2021 12:08:50 pm",
"payment_amount": 10,
"charge_amount": 1.5,
"payment_currency": "MYR",
"payment_link_reference": null,
"payment_link_reference_2": null,
"payment_method": "Credit Card",
"payment_provider": "Swipe Go",
"hash": "e68923fc8fcb96287dc466698c099a7b10caafafb7a0410798e0ce57e2da3d16"
$str = "61de5d3c93b93a2e730ccc1395560a0f-5296-4b1b-b67b-0ad45419ef751638418130252421431Payment was successful02-12-2021 12:08:50 pm101.5MYRInes KihnTest PaymentCredit CardSwipeGo";
echo hash_hmac(‘SHA256′, 'your-signature-key' . $str, 'your-signature-key');
// generated signature = fb5659e4b8fc7310912439ec0b4071aa12a296bf38173b44d0177c0518a1eac0